2012年8月5日 星期日

Veteran May Lose "Honorable Discharge" Over Protesting the Iraq War

First let me say that I am a Vietnam era Veteran. A combat Veteran. A U.S. Navy Veteran. And a USNR (reserve) Veteran. And I am proud of all of it, and not ashamed at all of it!

I wonder if you who are outraged by any Veteran's protest or speaking out publicly against; or for; the war in Iraq are not the "posers"? Claiming, as you do, that this man, Marine Cpl. Adam Kokesh, and other Veterans with him, "dishonored the Uniform of the United States Marines"; as well as "Protested while still under the "Command" of the United States of America" is some sort of Criminal? And to make the most of this opportunity to cast disparaging remarks upon this group, and especially this individual, his detractors bring up an incident in his past where he was demoted and not allowed to return to Iraq, because of a rule or law that he broke?

Why would you, or anyone, be able to deny this man or any "citizen soldier" the right to be in civilian life, serve his country, be ready to serve again, and be able at the same time to bring to this nations attention what he sees is wrong with it's management?

To do so flies in the face of a very long history of "citizen soldiers" doing this very thing. From the very day our Constitution was signed! So how is this day, this war, and this man, different? He isn't, in my view. You would then, using this same "stick" to measure with, measure all the Senators and Congressmen and women, who are or were in the United States Military (Officers are forever! Unless they give up their commission.) and are able to speak out against the war in Iraq and other issues. They of course get to speak louder. And they are "covered" with immunity, as they are for every other law and rule they issue. But the conditions, thus the logic, is the same!

In the Navy I could not wear anything I wanted to. Sounds simple doesn't it? But believe it or not I was told to wear "dungarees", or "Whites", or "dress blues". There was a "uniform of the day". And that "uniform of the day" was posted. To mix and match the above, or wear the incorrect uniform on any given day, would have meant brig-time! Just rolling up your dungaree shirt-sleeves and walking around the base or ship was being "out of uniform". Being "out of uniform" is serious business in the Navy!

Now, how can this man be "in uniform" but "out of uniform"? This is not possible. If he is incorrect in any way as to his "uniform" that he is wearing, and he was due to all insignia, nametag, and top T-shirt, then by wearing only a part of a "disused" and or "discarded" and "Irish Pennant" (as they called it in the Navy) ridden uniform is "out of uniform". Thus he cannot be said to have taken part in a protest "in uniform"! "Not guilty", comes to my mind instead of any sort of "Criminal Act."

Next issue. He has the right to protest. Period! He has the right to dress any way he wishes! Period! Excepting dressing as if "U.S. Military On Duty", meaning he can't also wear a Police uniform or Military or anything similar, he can't dress in correct uniform as a Postman, for instance. In the picture I saw of the protest, there is a Policeman standing by. If he is not a real Policeman, then he would be in trouble! But the man kneeling holding a flag of this country, he is not "in uniform". Thus no "disrespect to this nations military" (i.e. the Marines) is done, intentional or otherwise. So; is he "in the uniform of the day"? Or is he in some mix and match civilian cloths that anyone can purchase at the Surplus Store? "Not guilty" come to mind here, not Criminal, and needing disciplinary action by some long forgotten Officer on duty in this countries Military. This is just ignorant. Or it is a method used to bring undue duress upon those who are "citizen soldiers". Which is going on?

Next issue. His past offenses, if any, are not part of this days action period! That Policeman standing there, and the Photographer, and all the detractors, have the right to privacy when it comes to making public any criminal record of an individual. So someone IS a Criminal sure enough, but it ain't Adam Kokesh! And to throw it upon the "table" as a "talking point" in print, and on the web, is a violation of his civil rights! Period!

Any Officer of any Command in any Service in this Country that sends email or letters "privately" or any "official" reprimand or reminder to any "citizen soldier" is not only running against the grain of what this Country is about, it is also violation of the ex-serviceman's civil rights of protest, gathering with other people, (anyone he would meet with). His right to freely express his thoughts, go wherever he wants; and to live without undue duress from an Agent of this Government!

The Officer (the Acting Agent for this Country that sent the communication) is the one that should worry! He is in violation of so many laws it is amazing that he does not now have to resign commission! Never in this Countries History has such things been done without out rage and out cry from the rest of the population. The Citizens of any Country, especially this Country, should always be able to be seen, heard, and speak freely, their thoughts and their concerns about how this Country is being run! He, as a "Citizen Soldier" has that right. If not, then none have the right!

And at times I think this is the course being chosen by those in Offices in this Nation. Why are we putting up, in the misguided name of "Party Politics" this outrageous and incredible changing of our laws and custom? Why are we being placed into a Police State? Why is the Presidency now imbued with the same power as any Dictator of any ignorant Country? And more to the point; why in the world would any Citizen of this Nation speak out and draw a line for the Republic? It seems, to me at times that everyone is only along for the ride!

That's right! There is still those kinds of people left in this country, who like me, still think straight. We don't have "it" wrong!

To show you how I, and many others think. Here is a couple of examples, that may seem as if they should not be a part of this article, but surely are; stupid things, that those in this Country, fanatics all; are trying to change about America, and what I, and a lot of others think of it!

The "flag amendment" is unconstitutional, and stinks! How can I be prevented from doing anything with the U.S. Flag? As a Citizen I am allowed to purchase, own, display, and burn the United States of America's flag! I have always had that right. On the other hand, there are Organizations out there in this Country that are "johnny come lately", as far as our History of this Nation, who want to prevent that right! Amazingly, their Organizations typically want us to believe that they are "standing up" for and defending "our rights"! And this works how? If I can't, do the above things, then Wally World can't display the flag of this Nation upon shopping bags! Oh, you don't intend to prevent that? And the Organization cannot have the flag draped over an image of the Whitehouse! Oh, but you didn't mean to prevent that either? Then how can you write legislation that says basically; "I can when I want to"; but "you can't ever unless I say so."! What liberty is all about? You have no idea!

You see, unlike people that use scrambled eggs for brains, we (this Nations clear thinking Citizens) can clearly see that situations like condemning and violating the civil rights of protestors against; or for; this Iraq war is illegal, and not to be done. Creating laws against protesting, and some even go so far as making up "the law" as they go about trying to squash any sort of freely expressing ones views, should never be allowed to be raised in this Country. The Country is going to the dogs! But only because clear headed people are not sticking up for their Country; their Laws; and for Common Sense!

I'll give you another example of clear thinking and common sense...just so you know that what I am saying is clear and Common sense, while giving you some examples of those in High Places thinking with motives that are clearly against this Country and all that it stands for!

The fact that the Police make their dogs "Policemen"! Now you may think that is way out in left field as far as this article and its being written about Iraq Protestors and the use of Military Justice against "Civilian Soldiers". But in reality it is all about this same disregard for and twisting of our laws to suit the Officials! For instance, can a dog, a canine, be questioned and confronted by cross-examination by the lawyer for the Defense upon the witness stand? No? Then can he, the dog, not the lawyer or the Defendant, take any oath to "tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God"? No? Then how can he be a Policeman? How can he wear a badge showing that he is a Policeman? The dogs need to be defended from anyone that would harm them, or sue the Police Department for illegal arrest, due to the use of mere dogs, instead of a "real arrest" by a real live human Policeman? I wonder.....I wonder if the Police Dog doesn't have the same rights as my dog? If my dog is harmed there are laws already on the books against "Animal Cruelty". Doesn't that suffice? Doesn't that sound to you more sane and not some part of trampling on Common Sense and our Laws and Customs of this great Country? Sure. That's why it is being done, to get us used to being trampled upon.

Now hopefully you see my point clearly. If the English Military can come to your home and question you about your neighbor, and you answer that he lives two miles distant and you know nothing about his movements or whereabouts these days, as he is a wanted man. Upon hearing this these Military Englishmen burn your home and kill everyone in your family! Does this, as such did happen long ago, seem righteous to you? Or do you get the message I am trying to convey, as well as inform, with this article?

Dan Bunch, a Cherokee; Choctaw; and Melungeon; whose mother was a naturalized citizen born in Hong Kong. His father was born in Texas, a Cherokee-Choctaw-Melungeon, who served in the Army during WWII.

Dan Bunch grew up in Texas, where he participated in; football, baseball, and boxing. He enlisted in the United States Navy Reserve while still a junior in high school. He has had a multitude of experience in the business world in; insurance, real estate, finance, and a builder of custom homes. He has always been a writer, and cartoonist. He attributes his interest in many subjects to his early career as a newspaper boy. He married his high school sweetheart Gayle, with whom they have two children and five grandchildren.

Dan Bunch is a graduate of Grayson Co Jr. College, which he attended upon his return from Vietnam. He was a PO2'nd, crewmember aboard U.S. Navy River Patrol Boats, and is member of the DAV; and Veteran association.

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